Thursday, June 25, 2009

Good News, Bad news, Funny/sick news.

Good news first (If you prefer to get bad news first, please scroll down)

I recently went and got a physical, and a bunch of blood work done (8 vials, Jesus) and I'm happy to report I'm better off than I thought. My blood pressure has normalized, I don’t have Diabetes (Thought for sure I did) and even my cholesterol is normal. I'm defiantly loosing weight and I even have access to a scale now (thanks Babe:) for about a week now, and since then I’ve lost like 7 pounds.

Bad News

My back is doing crazy things. Last Sunday I was bending over to put a plate in the dishwasher and my back freaked out, pain shooting down my leg. I think I pinched a nerve or maybe my back is adjusting because of the weight loss, I'm not sure. I'm still in some pain today, but not as bad.

Also I have been getting migraines a couple times a week. I’ve been getting migraines for years now, but they were limited to maybe 2-3 a year. Thankfully the worst part is the trippy vision issues and the residual “hangover” like effects.

Funny/Sick News

I still get pimples on my ass and they like to pop open while I'm at work and bleed through my pants…Which sucks. Just Saying…

Hopefully your not throwing up…

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A judgmental sprout

So I was in Sprouts today, which I’ve been to many times just not at this time of day. Usually I'm in there sometime after 8PM, but today I got up before work and went around 9AM.

I'm used to seeing normal everyday people (what ever that means) but this morning it was all of the hardcore, raw food only Vegans. I have no problem with Vegans; I guess I just don’t understand the ones that don’t get normal nourishment. Ones that have weird colored skin and move around really slow looking at the nutrition information of everything.

I guess a large, tattooed and pierced guy walking around with a basket full of things like Steel Cut Oatmeal, Almond Milk and Tofu really got them mad dogging me like crazy. I'm pretty sure they expended their calories for the day looking up at me from nutrition fact squares and rubber necking me while I walk around the produce (Ha Ha Aldo).

Anyway, it was just really weird.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

No Tables?

Before I start this, let me reiterate that I don’t expect society to change just because I'm fat. With that, a depressing situation that happened recently:

For most people going to a new restaurant is an exciting thing to do. New place, different décor, and new food, even if it’s a chain at least you’re happy it’s closer, or set up differently.

For me it’s usually a nerve racking experience. How busy is it going to be and is there enough room to walk between the door and my table, or am I going to have to ask every person to move their seat in? Am I going to knock whine glasses over with my large ass? Am I going to freak out and sit down at some random table and start eating their food screaming “I can’t make it any further, go on without me!!” Am I going to be able to use the restroom, well I guess I should say “fit” in the restroom?

Normal sized people don’t worry about these things…

Then there is the mother of all concerns regarding restaurants, do they have tables? Booths are like vice grips of the restaurant world. I might, might be able to squeeze into one, but even then it feels like someone is crushing my fat pillow.

So the other night I offer to take my girlfriend and her two roommates out to dinner at the new Chili’s. Should be no problem, been to a number of them, no problem. So we all meet there, all excited cause none of us have been out in awhile. Walk in, the overly cheerful high school girl asks how many, and of course I have to include “Can we have a table?”

Her response gleefully is “No I'm sorry we don’t have tables, just high tops!” (Almost as bad as booths, feels like I'm sitting with a post up my ass)

Talk about a horrible feeling, not only can everyone there here the discussion, but now I have to remark to my group that I'm sorry but I can’t eat here. I hate disappointing people. I hate being embarrassed. This is both, soul crushing.

So we still end up getting food from there and taking it home, but I just couldn’t help but feel like a waste of space, like a burden to my girlfriend and her friends, worthless. (Thankfully my GF is Awesome and wanted to punch the hostess in the face>;)

Talk about a hit in the face, a hard piece of pride to swallow, like cheap stringy meat. A reminder that my weight effects everything I do, and I'm sick of it.