Saturday, May 16, 2009

Life is a journey, not a destination…unless you get tired and have to sit down.

So here begins a documentation of my attempt at loosing weight, the humor and difficulties of living with 300lbs of extra fat.

It has been a long time coming, not really in a Ron Jeremy sense, but that its time to make changes in my life. I've been dieting since 04/21/09, counting calories, cutting fast food (mostly) and wondering if I'm loosing any weight. The average scale tells me "Err" when I step on it, maybe I should buy one for each leg??

So I make fun of myself, I've found if I do it first someone else can't, plus it just makes everyone more comfortable to be around me, not having to worry about saying something to offend me, falling down and breaking the ice. Then again I guess it makes you guard your moonpies when I'm around...

So generally I want to feel better about myself and thankfully I have a very supportive girlfriend, and in the end I hope to look damn good in a banana hammock.

Cure your boredom for a few minutes, laugh with me, cry with me, just make sure to bring along some bacon...

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